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tv   New Day  CNN  December 27, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PST

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the president could have run for a third term, that is. >> trump firing back in a series of tweets to those comments made by the president in that new interview we first shared with you yesterday. the president-elect also defending his charitable giving and his foundation while dismissing the united nations, calling it a club for people to have a, quote, good time. this as we're 24 days away from inauguration. let's begin our coverage this our with jessica schneider in palm beach, florida, where the sun has come up. what are you hearing? >> reporter: by the looks of it out a here at mar-a-lago, it is mostly quiet. the president-elect staying mostly out of the public view over christmas, that is of course except for twitter, where donald trump is fighting back and lashing out. the president-elect going after president obama after obama speculated he would have won a third term if it was possible, using his message of hope and inclusion.
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>> i'm confident that if i had run again and articulated it, i think i would have mobilized a majority of the american people to rally behind it. >> reporter: trump tweeting, obama said he thinks he would have won against me. he should say that, but i say no way. then boasting, the world was gloomy before i won. there was no hope. now the market is up nearly 10% and christmas spending is over a trillion dollars. trump seemingly overlooking obama's record of cutting unemployment to a nine-year low and taking credit for holiday spending figures that aren't final numbers. trump also going after his favorite target, the media, over his charity. the president-elect claiming he gave and raised millions, tweeting, all of which is given to charity and media won't report. but tax records show trump has not donated to his foundation since 2008. no one can confirm any other charitable giving since trump has not released his tax records. the trump foundation itself admitted to violating irs regulations and is currently
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under investigation by the new york attorney general. >> right now we need to have a president who is free of conflict of interest. that means dissolving the foundation. it also means president trump selling off his business interests that create conflicts of interest, making sure there's no foreign government money coming into his operations. >> reporter: trump also continuing to air diplomatic grievances on social media, questioning the united nations' value following the israeli settlement resolution. trump tweeting that the u.n. has such great potential, but right now it's just a club for people to get together, talk, and have a good time. so sad. and it will be back to business here at mar-a-lago today after that short christmas break. the president-elect holding several meetings today. we're still looking to hear exactly who he'll be meeting with, but of course some key cabinet posts that we're still waiting to hear about. they include the director of national intelligence as well as secretaries of both agriculture and veterans affairs. so waiting to hear on that and of course inauguration day
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rapidly approaching january 20th. poppy and don? >> getting close. thank you very much. let's get our discussion started with our panel. senior congressional correspondent for "the washington examiner," david drucker, and cnn contributor and "new york post" columnist selena zito. let's talk about this, about who would win now. we will never know who would win now, would we? >> no, this is part of life. there's a lot of do-overs i'd like. >> why is this happening? why would the president-elect even respond? >> this is who he is and what he does. he does not believe in walk softly and carry a big stick, apparently. he believes in talking loudly and making sure everybody knows what we already know. i don't know how else to get into his head other than to say it seems as though he's very protective, he always has been throughout his real estate and television career, of making sure that people understood just how important and famous and
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victorious he is. that's just -- and i think from his perspective politically, he probably looks at it like this. this is what got me where i am. this is what my supporters like, this brash, take-no-prisoners, throw out convention sort of behavior. so why should i stop doing it? after all, i won. >> he's not running against obama. he ran against hillary clinton. this is not hillary clinton. >> yes, and soon he'll be running against chuck schumer, the senate minority leader and nancy pelosi. in other words, this is how he's going to conduct politics. he thinks it works. >> so with so much going on right now, selena, on the international stage, from israel to obviously the crisis in syria and much more, he tweeted about the country being what he called gloomy before he won. he tweeted about winning, which they just talked about and how he would have beaten the current president. he also tweeted about his foundation last night. let's look at some of these. he said, the djt foundation,
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unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries. 100% of the money goes to wonderful charities. then he tweeted, i gave millions of dollars to the djt foundation, all of which is given to charity, and the media won't report. he's going to shutter this foundation. we also know he hasn't given himself to this foundation since 2008. and he hasn't held a press conference in five months. five months today. so we can't ask him questions about this. >> right. well, you know, as far as the foundation goes, yes, created in '98. he put his children in charge of it in 2006. he personally hasn't given money since 2008, but he has raised tens of millions of dollars, and he has given -- you know, his foundation itself has been philanthropic. it's also done some things that
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were outside the lines of what foundations should be doing. but beyond that, you know, david is right. trump uses twitter to project strength, and he uses it to leverage his strength for whatever he's going to do next. he gives you those hints every time he sends out a tweet. he's letting you know how he feels about something, like when he was talking about president obama. i like the fact that he acknowledged, gave him a hat tip, like i know you needed to say that, i would have said it too. but no way you would have beat me. >> on the truth about the foundation, the foundation has apparently admitted in irs filings to self-dealing and getting back to it, he hasn't donated since 2008. $5.4 million, but not since 2008. we won't know because he hasn't released returns.
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again, we still don't know all of it. and the foundation basically, if you look at the records and what he's accused of, especially by eric schneider man here in new york, doing the same things he accused hillary clinton and the hillary clinton foundation of doing during the campaign. >> right. and the problem is there's such a gap of what we don't know. until this is either unfolded through the attorney general's office in new york or it's closed and the irs information is eventually revealed, that's going to remain a mystery. the one thing he did do good is that he said he's going to shutter it. again, there's a lot of entanglements that are going to hinter him from doing that, but he's sort of projecting to people i'm going to start doing the things i need to do to close my business. >> but he can't do it right away. >> right. it could be a while. david, let's turn to the inauguration. 24 days until he makes this address. first of all, it he going to use
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a teleprompter? i'm fascinated by that. everyone has since reagan. more importantly, we know who's going to write the remarks. that's steven miller, the same guy who wrote the rnc address. it was very dark. it was very ominous. it talked about i alone can fix it. so the question is, will this inaugural address be the same tone as a campaign, rnc address, or will it be one of unity? >> i think it'll be a mixture. if you look at what is important to donald trump, i think that he's going to talk about those issues that he wants to deal with as president, and i think that he's going to do it in his own unique fashion. i think steven miller writing -- look, i think if you look at the inaugural address and saw how trump's remarks sort of evolved from the convention through
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election day, he never fully abandoned that sort of dark, ominous tone about where he thought the country was, but he did sort of change the tone a little bit, and he talked more about unity and more about wanting to bring the country together. so i think we're going see a mixture. the thing about trump is he doesn't do grand oratory or sort of stately oratory in the way we're accustomed to with presidents. certainly not like obama or reagan. not even like george w. bush, who would deliver a very sort of presidential speech. trump always interjects his own sort of trumpisms into a speech, and he does it in his own sort of populist way. so i think we're going to probably see a mixture. in a speech like this, it's not going to be straight from miller to trump. i'm sure steve bannon will be involved and reince priebus will be involved, and his children will be involved. >> steven had been on my show a number of times and on cnn. he's a very nice guy, but he's very hard line. a very good writer. i notice when kellyanne conway
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came on, his tone in the speeches softened. that was an influence she had on steven miller's writing. >> because they recognize that i alone can fix it is too chavez-esque and needed to do something more american. i think that's what you'll see from donald trump on inauguration day. >> david, thank you. selena, thank you. 24 days to go. israel is temporarily suspending working ties with a dozen nations who voted in favor of a u.n. resolution condemning israeli settlement building in east jerusalem and the west bank. cnn's orin lieberman is in jerusalem with more now. >> reporter: prime minister benjamin netanyahu has doubled down on his criticism not only of president barack obama, whom he pretty much directly blames for the passing of the u.n. security council resolution, but also his anger at the other countries that voted for this resolution. as for the u.s., israel says it was the u.s. all along that was behind the resolution, drafting
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it, writing it, and pushing it forward. here's what netanyahu's spokesman had to say, david keyes, to cnn. >> we have ironclad information from sources in the arab world and internationally, and we're going to share that information with the incoming administration through the proper channels. if the new administration chooses to share that information, that's their prerogative. >> reporter: as for what that information is, the israelis won't say. we've pushed them both here and in the u.s. and they haven't put out any of that information. right now it stands just as an accusation. as for diplomatic moves, netanyahu has limited working ties with the embassies and ministries of the countries that voted for the resolution. it's a largely symbolic move with little practical effect. as a statement, it's a big one on netanyahu's anger. >> orin lieberman in jerusalem, thank you so much. the obama administration is playing defense following those accusations, as you just heard, that it worked behind the scenes to bring that settlement
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resolution before the u.n. security council. the white house vehemently denying that. this as secretary of state john kerry prepares to outline a peace plan later this week. what will he say? elise labott broke the news in washington. she has more. this is a tough, tough situation, context, to deliver those remarks in. and frankly with the admission they just did not get nearly as far as they wanted to on this. >> reporter: that's right, poppy. as you said, the white house is vehemently denying those accusations that the u.s. orchestrated this vote in some kind of ambush against israel saying this should be no surprise, and the proof, officials argue, is the last eight years of the obama administration struggling to get israel to halt settlement construction in occupied lands the palestinians claim for their state. now, take a listen to deputy national security adviser ben rhodes speaking to israeli television about this yesterday. >> by definition, it's not an ambush when president obama and secretary kerry have been saying
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in hundreds of conversations and in public comments that israeli settlement activity was pushing into the west bank in a way that was making the two-state solution unachievable. >> reporter: and it is a very tense atmosphere. john kerry spent the better part of a year trying s ining unsucc to get a peace deal. now he's going to lay odeliver major speech, laying out the obama administration's vision for how they see the conflict being resolved. >> elise, thank you. coming up after the break, we'll speak to representatives from the israeli and palestinian governments. make sure you stay with us. we live in a pick and choose world.
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the u.n. security council voted to condemn israel for its extensive settlements in east jerusalem and the west bank. it cause the outrage in israel, but how are palestinians
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reacting? an executive committee member of the plo and head of the plo department of culture and information joins us now. thank you so much. she's from ramallah in the west bank. thank you for joining us. we really appreciate it. what was your reaction to the u.n. security council vote? >> well, thank you, don, and thank you for having me on. our reaction was that it was entirely expected, should have taken place a long time ago, eight years ago, and that should have held in compliance with international law all the time. the problem is israel has been used to acting with impunity for getting full cover and support and quite often enablement by the americans. therefore, now it's waxed hysterical. for a change, international community is asking israeli occupation to abide by international law, including the forced geneva convention, including the icc rulings,
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including the hague rulings, and this is something that israel is not used to because it's used to getting preferential treatment and to violating the law with impunity and to having a free hand to do whatever it wants to the palestinians. >> and doctor, just in the interest of time, i'm going to jump in. i know we have a delay here. in the interest of time, i'm going to jump in from time to time and ask you some questions. pardon me. i don't mean to cut you off. are you surprised that the united states abstained from this vote? >> no problem, don. no, i'm not surprised, actually. i've been urging the u.s. to do what is consistent with its own long-held positions since the days of ronald reagan. every single administration has said that the settlements are illegal and must stop. every single administration told israel to stop. israel refused because israel is used to rejecting even pleasant suggestions from its patron and benefactor. it's unfortunate that it took so long, but this is enshrined in
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the law itself. i mean, we're glad that the u.s. did not veto, and we think this is important because we have to build on it in terms of moving ahead, whether in the 15th january international conference called for by france or whether in terms of the international criminal court and other venues. >> "the new york times" is reporting that israel is defying this u.n. condemnation and continuing to build settlements in east jerusalem. what's your response to that? >> yes. yes, they're not only escalating the building of settlements, but they're sort of in your face, another added insult to the americans. it renders the two-state solution absolutely impossible. they've also increasing housing for the palestinians, they've put up more check points and created a siege of palestinian towns and villages.
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this is as a sort of revenge. we know that whenever the international community tells israel it has to behave in a way consistent with the requirements of international law and with model human behavior, they certainly turn around and exact the price from the palestinians who are a captive, helpless population controlled by the military occupation. now they are really pushing ahead. >> i want to discuss the palestinians' responsibility in this. i want to play this from ambassador ron dermer. israel says this isn't about settlements at all. listen. >> the prime minister of israel did a freeze. he did a freeze for ten months for the settlements and palestinians did not come to the negotiating table. this has not been about the settlements. what do the palestinians want? what they want to do is blame israel for not negotiating, refuse to sit down and have discussions with us, and internationalize the conflict.
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>> is it true, and why wouldn't the palestinians come to the table? >> look, we've been negotiating since 1991. i don't think there have been a series of negotiations the way we engaged in negotiations with israel. we accepted the principle of the two-state solution. we even recognized israel on 78% of historical palestine. and we agreed to build our state on the remaining 22%. this was a major compromise. israelis have not responded in any positive way. they're now busy staealing the land of the palestinian state and blame the palestinians because we don't accept the fact settlements are being built on our land, which would destroy the chances of -- >> specifically -- >> now, when they talk about the s cessation of activities, this is entirely misleading. they never stopped. >> but again, the palestinian
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responsibility in all of this, doctor, with all due respect in the interest of time, we all remember the night that started back in 2015 and stretched into the beginning of this year. what should the palestinian side be doing to make peace? >> i think we're trying our best to make peace in every possible way. we have signed agreements that we abided by. the problem is that you cannot enslave a whole nation and treat it like subhuman species with the most racist, hardline, extremist, violent government in history and then ask them to lie down and die quietly. whenever a single palestinian lashes out in treaction to his house being demolished, automatically palestinians are called terrorists. but when the israeli government continue to wreak havoc and exercise systematic state terrorism against us, then we are told what can we do. >> is it time to recognize israel as a jewish state?
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>> we have recognized israel in 1993 in the context -- >> not as a jewish state. >> well, it depends. if you want to give religion to states, then this is against our principles. i don't recognize islamic states. i don't recognize christian states. i don't recognize jewish states. a state is a state for all its citizens. it has to be democratic, inclusive, tolerant, and genuinely representative of all its people. you cannot give added value to any people because of their religion or ethnicity. we want a palestine that is totally democratic. we recognize the state of israel. it should be happy with that. it wants added conditions. let it go back to the u.n. and change its name and let it ask all the people who recognize it to recognize it again under a different name. >> doctor, what do you think the prospects of peace are under a president-elect donald trump,
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the prospects of peace? >> for the sake of being diplomatic and nice, i will repeat what official statement. israel will deal with anybody who is elected by the american people and who's committed to a two-state solution. but i will tell you frankly, personally, when you have the mentality of xenophobia, islamophobia, misogyny, echoing the same extremist language of there is no occupation, there is no two-state solution, jerusalem is the capital of israel forever. when they both collude to destroy and violate international law and palestinian rights and destroy the very basic requirements of peace, then i see this very
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dangerous situation. this is a collision course we've seen happening, and it is not only happening with the palestinians. it's happening with the arab world and throughout the region. we need to hear a new language that's consistent with human rights and international law. >> i apologize for the delay. i thank you for your time. i appreciate it. thank you so much. poppy? also, coming up, israel on the offensive after the united nations vote. what is next? coming up after that interview don just did, you'll hear from david keyes, spokesperson for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his reaction next. path to retit may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu fighting back, cutting works ties with 12 countries. those 12 countries supported the u.n. resolution condemning settlements in east jerusalem and the west bank. this as tension worsens between israel and the united states. joining me now is david keyes, the spokesperson for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thanks for being with us, david. >> thanks for having me. >> last night on this network,
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you said there is iron-clad information from sources in the arab world and sinternationally that there was essentially collusion between the u.s. government, the obama administration, and those other members of the u.n. who voted on that resolution that the u.s. abstained on. you say this is the working of the united states. what is that evidence? >> well, that evidence is going to be presented to the new administration through the proper channels, and they can choose to share that if they'd like. i can tell you that i myself have seen the information, and i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that information exists and what it shows is that the obama administration helped craft and push and lobby for this united nations security council resolution, which is so outrageous and frankly it's an abandonment of a long-standing position of the american administration to protect israel at the united nations, this deeply biased body that frankly delights in lambasting the one liberal democracy in the middle
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east and has a lot less time for those hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in places like syria. this united nations resolution actually says that the western wall, okay, one of the holiest sites to the jewish people, have lived adjacent to for thousands of years, that somehow is illegally occupied palestinian land. that's outrageous. that's ahistorical, and certainly pushes peace a lot further back. >> david, a lot to unpack there. let's get to multiple parts of it. it also leaves very open the door for negotiations and says there will be no changes to the 1967 agreement, quote, other than those agreed to by the parties through negotiations. but to your argument that essentially the american people, the israeli people, the obama administration should not see the evidence that you say you have seen with your own eyes. walk me through that logic.
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wouldn't it help you more in the port of public opinion to put it forward now? >> well, the court of public opinion is not the only court there is. like i said, we'll pass through the proper channels, but having seen the information -- >> why is the current administration not -- why is this administration that is in office for the next 24 days not the proper channel? >> welt, becaul, because this i administration that was behind the crafting and implementation of the security council resolution. >> i'm having a hard time understanding the logic that you wouldn't put it out there for the world to see now. >> i understand that. "60 minutes" and even great hosts like yourself are not the only calculation in what we decide to divulge or not divu e divulge. this is ironclad. there's no doubt whatsoever behind it. frankly, it's deeply, deeply disappointing to the state of israel. you have a situation where the
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palestinian authority is frankly paying people who murder israelis, naming soccer stadiums after mass murderers, refusing to meet with israel's prime minister after hundreds and hundreds of calls to begin negotiations without any preconditions whatsoever today, here and now. ramallah is just a few minutes away from here. president abbas would simply need to come to jerusalem. the prime minister invited him. he offered to go to the parliament in ramallah. all of our calls for peace have been turned down. the question is why. the answer is deceptively simple. >> let's talk about the peace process. we expect to hear from john kerry, laying out his visions, his hopes under the next administration. as you well know in paris on january 15th, 70 countries will get together for this peace summit. the palestinians have said they support the conference. as far as we know up until now, unless you will say differently, israel is not planning to attend.
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why? >> well, because what the internationalization of this conflict does is it gives the palestinians an easy out not to sit down and make the hard choices. israel has made peace successfully with egypt and jordan, two arab neighbors of ours. those peace treaties have lasted for decades. >> it has, but it has demanded different things of the palestinians, as you well know, in the peace accord with egypt, in the peace treaty with jordan. when you normalize relations with turkey, that's a demand in the peace talks with the palestinians. why is it different? >> well, it's different because the palestinian narrative today, unfortunately, is based on the same palestinian narrative from even several decades ago. that is there's no real place in this middle east for even a tiny jewish state. that's why their maps talk about tel aviv and jaffa as settlements, not outposts in the west bank. that's why they're educating
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their children that eventually all of this land will be palestinian. and that's actually what's at the core of this conflict. the persistent palestinian refusal to accept any jewish state whatsoever. >> as you heard the doctor just tell don lemon, she said we recognize the state, we do not recognize it as a jewish state. she says there should be a separation of religion from the state. some are pointing, as you well know, to the palestinians using this u.n. security council resolution perhaps as part of their argument to potentially make a case in the icc, in the international criminal court, against israeli leaders. do you believe that's the eventuality of what is -- is that part of what upsets the netanyahu administration so much about this u.n. security council vote? >> well, i hope it doesn't move in that direction, but it's nice that she comes on cnn and talks about recognition. but you can also quote other
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advisers. i'll quote it in the original arabic. [ speaking foreign language ] two states for two peoples, we will never accept that. it's really the two peoples part that is the differentiation here. many leaders will say, well, of course we want one state now and eventually later we'll have the second state as well. so all of this land will be ours. what a tragedy we can't live at peace with our neighbors because of this horrific incitement. >> david friedman, who the president-elect has tapped to be his -- to be the ambassador to israel, has said that he believes that a two-state solution is more a narrative. he's not been supportive of a two-state solution. a few more questions i want to get to. "the new york times" front page is reporting -- >> you can ask him about that. as the prime minister's spokesman, i can tell you his position is clearly favoring two states for two peoples living side by side. >> i understand that. i'd like to get some charity on
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this "new york times" front page report this morning. that is israel it intending to build 600 new settlements in east jerusalem and that's what a top official is telling "the new york times" is part of the first installment of 5600 new settlements there. is that true? >> you know, i think what really needs to be discussed here is not the approval or not approval of a few hundred apartment buildings -- >> david, that's my question. is "the new york times" correct in their reporting this morning on that? >> i understand, but i want to make a very quick point. that is the following. almost every time i come on television, someone will ask me about a handful of outposts going up. on the presumption that the presence of jews in judeah is somehow a great barrier to peace. over a million and a half arabs live inside of israel as full citizens. they serve on the supreme court. they've reached the heights of business and the police force, et cetera. that's not a barrier to peace at all. that shows what a pluralistic and open society looks like.
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i sincerely hope that one day the basis of a palestinian state will not have to be that as a precondition first every jew must leave that territory, especially when you add to that the idea that jerusalem is somehow an occupied place. that's what this u.n. resolution says. >> so you will not confirm "the new york times" reporting? i'll ask you exactly what don just asked in the last interview. that is, what do you believe the prospects for peace are under president-elect trump? >> well, i think that it really depends on the palestinians. i think american involvement can be a wonderful thing, and hopefully what that means is they can convince the palestinians at long last to accent a jewish state in the middle east and to cease this diplomatic war against israel whereby even an inch of jewish sovereignty in the middle east is too much. i'm actually hopeful about the future. the middle east is changing in
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many poimportant ways. the palestinian authority needs to recognize israel as a jewish state. it needs to cease paying salaries to people who murder israelis. it should stop naming soccer stadiums and schools and streets after mass murderers. and it should accept prime minister netanyahu's many calls to begin the peace process here and now. peace is too important, and both israelis and palestinians deserve to live in peace with mutual recognition. i'm very hopeful that in the future that can come about. >> david keyes, we're all hoping for peace. i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you very much. we are just 24 days away from witnessing history when donald trump takes his oath, becoming the 45th president. what can we expect at the inaugural ceremony? we're going to get a sneak peek from a member of the inauguration team next. walked around the shelter,
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only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. it is just a little more than three weeks away. president-elect donald trump will take the oath of office, becoming the 45th president. mr. trump will address a big crowd who will be there to join him and perform. let's ask the director of communications of the presidential inaugural committee, boris epstein. good to be with you. >> good morning, poppy. morning, don. happy holidays. >> why aren't you here in new york with us? is that because you're planning this big event? >> that's exactly why. i miss you guys. i'm here in d.c. planning a wonderful uniting event. it's very exciting. >> let's get to it. >> can we talk to you about the guy who's writing the speech? i know steven miller. he's been on. he's 31 years old, a former aide
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to senator jeff sessions. his voice is closest to donald trump. can you tell us what his message is going to be on january 20th? >> i can't tell you the message because obviously the speech is still in the works. stephen is somebody who's so smart. really a wonderful man who i've gotten to know very well. he'll be working with his team on this very important address that will be talking about uniting america, bringing america together. we are now in the post-politics, post-campaign season. that's the messaging around this inaugural. making america great again for all americans. >> he's perhaps most famous for writing the president-elect's remarks at the rnc, at the convention. those were ominous, dark remarks, law and order. so it sounds like you're saying this is going to be a very different, completely different tone. >> poppy, that was your take on those remarks. for me and a lot of republicans -- >> no, those were his words. america's broken and i alone can fix it. >> poppy, may i answer?
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thanks. >> of course. >> that was part of the speech. another part of the speech was dreaming big and not downsizing your dreams. it was part of that message as well, as has been the message since the election. i'm expecting a great address, one that talks to americans about dreaming big, about making sure that we are a city on a hill one more time. i'm looking forward to a strong address that talks to all americans. >> i want to know, what role will the children, the trump children and melania have in the inauguration? >> well, the family obviously is a huge part of the president-elect's life. there will be a specific role for them, an important role. we'll be rolling out that information as time goes on. >> there's also been some controversy about who's going to perform. i know the rockettes, some of them are saying on social media they're backing out of this. they don't want to do it. what's reaction from the trump camp? >> by some, i think you mean one. the rockettes, madison square garden, which runs --
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>> more than one. >> it's been one. -- put out a statement that said more women applied to be part of the inauguration performance and there were spots for those. we're so honored to have the radio city rockettes perform at this inaugural as they did in 0 '01 and '05. >> it's interesting. kellyanne conway said something on foxx news last week. she said this is the people's president. as you know, he tweeted a few days ago, basically, and i'm paraphrasing here. i'm not interesting in celebrities attending. i'm the president for the people. i want the real people, the people that got him elected. interesting report in politico this week. two people familiar with the discussion said you guys are bandying about the idea perhaps that he might skip the traditional congressional luncheon that follows and wade into the crowd, join the parade. are we going see that? >> well, there are a lot of rumors out there. i wouldn't trust any of those rumors unless they come from the presidential inaugural committee or the president-elect himself. >> and it's great we have
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somebody from the inaugural committee on the show this morning. break the news for us. >> we're very excited about this inaugur inaugural. it's a historic moment, a moment of peaceful transition of power. >> come on, boris. why are you here, man? >> we woke up at like 2:00 in the morning. give us some news. >> you're not giving us anything. >> i'm here to talk about the amazing event we're going to have. the mormon tabernacle choir. all of america being represented here in washington, d.c. >> on a much more serious note, as you say, addressing all of america. as you know there's a huge march being planned for the day after inauguration for saturday. largely being dubbed and largely a women's march. as you know, the relationship between the president-elect and many female voters was more than contentious during the election. how will he address that? he will be the sitting president. how will he address the protest? how will he handle that? >> well, i'm not going to accept the premise of it being a
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contentious relationship between the president-elect and women. women in overwhelming numbers voted for donald trump. not the majority of women, but we received a great amount of support. we very much respect the first amendment. we understand that people choose to protest. as long as they do so within all laws, rules, and regulations, they're welcome to do so. we hear their concerns. we understand that people have concerns. but we welcome them to our side as well. we hope some of those will come to d.c., change their mind,. instead of protesting, come celebrate with us. >> will he come out and talk to them? >> we shall see. lots of time left. >> i've got to ask you this. as someone who's the head of "celebrity apprentice," are you guys having trouble finding celebrities to participate in the inauguration, as has been reported? >> not at all, don. you know, this is not woodstock. it's not summer jam. it's not a concert. it's not about the celebrities. as donald trump tweeted himself, it's about the people. that's what we're concentrated on.
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the rockettes represent the american people. the mormon tabernacle choir represents the american people. the other folks coming to the inauguration represent the american people. that's what we're concentrating on. >> you have a list beyond the three, or the couple you just we'll absolutely be rolling more out. i broke the news about the rockettes on cnn's air last week. we are excited about the other ones rolling out. it's not about the celebrities, it's not about any one entertainer, it's all about the people. >> the world is watching. thank you, boris. we appreciate it. >> have a wonderful day. >> you, too. donald trump may be eager to nominate a ninth justice to the supreme court, but that's the tip of the iceberg. the president-elect has dozens of federal judicial vacancies to fill. how can he reshape the judiciary. we will discuss. choose. but at bedtime... ...why settle for this?
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double the number of president obama and not to mention the supreme court. this is big. >> it's huge. president obama was president for eight years as we all know. he appointed 326 judges. donald trump in his first term will have 100 just from the very beginning. so it just gives you an idea of what a big opportunity this is. it's a process. he has to solicit names and he has to go through them. but since all federal judges serve for life, this is a chance to extend a president's legacy well beyond the 4 or 8 years. >> perhaps most in his legacy when it comes to the judiciary, go to the supreme court pick.
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as you know, mitch mcconnell's strategy worked. get a nominee to replace antonin scalia. diane sykes, bill pryor, do you agree? >> they are likely choices. the new attorney general is from alabama. second bush administration. known for his fierce opposition to roe versus wade. he wants on the supreme court. diane sykes is from wisconsin. somewhat older. 58 years old. that's a little older than a lot of presidents want to pick. likely to be anti-abortion rights.
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anti-affirmative action. pro corporate. anti-union. >> the president-elect, pretty confusing about what was established law. >> well, he was talking about same-sex marriage and he was saying basically i consider that a -- >> roe versus wade. >> i think as so much with the law, what donald trump was doing was mostly political as opposed to legal. he was saying, look, same-sex marriage has been accepted by the country. i'm not going to quarrel with that. but abortion rights is an intensely important issue to the people who support me even though trump himself has been pro choice.
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>> democrats have any recourse, merit garland, republicans wouldn't entertain it. 52 nominations outstanding. >> they will all go away. none of those people will be re-nominated. they don't have much recourse. this is why control of the senate is so important. the party in control controls the calendar. they can slow down or speed up judicial nominations as they please. a trump nominee to the supreme court, let's have hearings right away. after they delay for a year. >> let's talk about what president obama and his appointments has done to the face of the judiciary. i'm talking about across the board, not obviously just the supreme court.
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>> there have never been as many women judges nominated, as many african-american, hispanic, gay and lesbian judges who are out. the number probably won't be there. >> his sister, as you know, is a senior judge, right, on the u.s. court of appeals. she is certainly more conservative than democratic appointees. this is something if you remember talking to paul ryan, all the republican leaders we may not like trump that much but the courts are what matters. >> good to have you. >> good to see you both. >> we're following a lot. let's get right to it.
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the president-elect has been going after president obama. if there is an issue i might weigh in. >> if i run again i could have mobilized the american people. >> a state is a state for all its citizens. >> the obama administration helped craft and push and lobby for this united nations security council resolution. >> we feel compelled to speak up. >> friends don't take friends to the security council. >> oh, my god. >> disturbances at more than a dozen malls. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> it is "new day." i am not alisyn. this is not chris. >> are you sure.


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